Thursday, February 9, 2012

Green Mountain Park

Today, we received our final, notarized adoption documents from the Chinese government.  We also visited Green Mountain Park in Nanning.  In it were several locations of interest including an animal statue area.  We had a picture taken by the rat/mouse because Samantha was born in the year of the rat/mouse (2008).  Kyle was born in the year of the monkey (2004), Kris the year of the tiger (no need for a date here), and I was the year of the dragon (which is also this year).  Another section had a lot of dinosaur statues.  The last stop in the park was a lake where we fed fish.

I really hope I didn't speak too soon saying Samantha was a Daddy's girl, because these past few days, she has been all about me and given Kris the cold shoulder.  Sometimes she will share with him or give him a kiss, but today when he picked her up to hold her, she cried and didn't want him to touch her.  Kris has been upset about it all.  I told him to remember that girls were moody and to get used to it.  Kyle also got jealous when I was holding her today.  He started crying and I had to hold him.  Between the 3 of them, I am about worn out!

Here are some miscellaneous stories.  When were were on the Great Wall an Asian couple were so excited and wanted their picture with me and Kris.  I didn't know we were famous.  They gave us the thumbs up afterward.   Today walking outside, some teenage girls were giggling and pointing at Kris.  We asked our tour guide about it and she said they probably wanted a picture with Kris because he was handsome, but they were too shy to ask.  When we asked about breadsticks at Pizza Hut once, they didn't have a clue what we were talking about.  What Pizza Hut doesn't have breadsticks?  We have been getting waffle fries with ketchup as an appitzer instead.  When our guide tried to order a half pepperoni, half cheese pizza once, the waitress thought we wanted two different halves of a pizza instead of a whole one.  Then she thought we only wanted cheese on half and the half with pepperoni without cheese.  We were a little concerned, but after 15 minutes of discussing our order, the finished product was correct.  I wanted to thank everyone for the birthday wishes earlier this week.  I have not been able to access Facebook while we have been here, but saw the messages on e-mail.  We also have not been able to access the blog, but owe a tremendous thank you to family who have updated it daily with what we send to them!

Tomorrow, we will receive Samantha's passport for international travel to the United States.  We will also pack up and head for Guangzhou where we will complete American adoption and imigration documents.


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